Compare fuel prices near you!

Easy, clear and fast with PACE Drive. Download now for free and start saving!
PACE Drive Price comparison

Your advantages

Compare fuel prices

Compare prices at gas stations in your area. The app shows the fuel price directly on the map and uses traffic light colors to indicate whether it is cheap or expensive.

Target you search with filters

Find the gas stations that offer exactly what you are looking for. Use the filter function to search by fuel, brand, payment options or special deals.

Price history

Track the price development of fuels at individual gas stations. You can choose between a period of 12 hours, 24 hours or 7 days.


Get tips on the best time to fill up at each gas station and save money.

Secure payment

We follow industry standards for payment security and work with established payment providers. Thus, we enable a fast and secure payment process.

Compare fuel prices at all gas stations near you with PACE Drive!

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News from our blog

Compare prices with PACE Drive

With the PACE Drive app, you can not only pay directly at the gas pump, you can also compare prices. This is how it works!

How exactly are fuel prices created?

You can see it on a daily basis: The price of fuel in Germany sometimes changes several times a day. But how exactly do fuel prices result from this?

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