FELTA and PACE DRIVE: Together towards digitizing fueling!
Official press release
Download as PDF22.03.2022

The network of gas stations where payment can be made at the pump using the PACE Drive app continues to grow and has now also integrated the FELTA gas stations. In doing so, FELTA gas stations are joining an ever-growing market of digitalization, which offers numerous advantages for their customers.
Thanks to the cooperation with PACE, FELTA customers will now also be able to make mobile payments directly from their car using their smartphone or smartwatch.
This means shorter waiting times for users of the PACE Drive app, for example, and also time savings for the next driver, who may already be waiting for the gas pump to become free. Time is also shortened for customers who want to purchase something in the store, as the checkout line becomes shorter. In addition, cashless payment from the car offers a completely contactless way to complete the payment process, which reduces the risk of infection.
The PACE Drive app, developed by PACE itself, is available free of charge for both iOS and Android smartphones and, unique in Europe, for smartwatches. After a one-time registration, the user can select one of the payment methods such as Apple Pay and giropay/paydirekt, Paypal or credit card, pay directly at the pump, and continue driving immediately. The driver receives the receipt digitally via the app.
Working with PACE sets us apart from other providers!
Marcus Feldhaus, managing director of Feldhaus Energie GmbH & Co. KG
The PACE Drive app is connected to the constantly growing network of the PACE Connected Fueling platform. This platform was developed by PACE and digitally connects gas stations with end customers. It is now Europe’s leading technological platform for mobile payment directly at the pump.
“Working with PACE sets us apart from other providers! We are always looking for innovations that push us forward, and with PACE we have now found a great partner with whom we can take another step towards digitalization,” emphasizes Marcus Feldhaus, one of the managing directors of Feldhaus Energie GmbH & Co. KG.
Philip Blatter, one of the founders and managing directors of PACE Telematics GmbH, adds: “Efficient digital solutions are becoming increasingly relevant to our everyday lives and provide individual benefits for every user. Whether that’s a stressed father who’s about to take the kids to a birthday party and can stay close to the car, or the motorcyclist who wants to fill up the tank before a joyride but doesn’t want to take off her helmet. With PACE Connected Fueling and the PACE Drive app, we offer an app that adds value to everyday life, and we’re excited that FELTA gas stations will continue to grow it with us.”